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Saturday, January 01, 2011

I've Moved!

Alone in darkness at
11:56 PM

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We Are The World. Sung in hope for Haiti.

Somehow, this song always manages to touch my heart.

There comes a time
When we head a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all

We can't go on
Pretneding day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of
God's great big family
And the truth, you know love is all we need

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

Send them your heart
So they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
So we all must lend a helping hand

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

When you're down and out
There seems no hope at all
But if you just believe
There's no way we can fall
Well, well, well, well, let us realize
That a change will only come
When we stand together as one

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

Alone in darkness at
11:57 PM

Saturday, February 13, 2010

And so, Chinese New Year is here again. The festive season to enjoy your bahkwas, love letters, pineapple tarts, mandarin oranges and whatever else fits inside your mouth. And as usual, I am blessed with the privilege of enjoying something a little extra which most people dont get to in their lives. Insults about my looks and weight.

You heard that right! It is that time of the year again! So come on down and make fun of your friendly relative Austin! Going at just some calories an insult, each one is bound to touch his heart in ways you can never imagine! Dont be afraid to throw everything you have at me! I cannot imagine that there is possibly any more insults which I havent come across.

Went to both grandma's house today. And already, plenty of words thrown around about my size. I have a grandma i cant understand half the time, and today, there was this bittersweet moment where I could understand exactly what she was saying. Felt pretty good to be able to communicate at such a level. But then again, I understood her because she pointed at me and showed me this face.

Ever imagine your grandma do that? DONT.

Sighs. And it isnt even the first day of new year yet. I think the avalanche of jokes and insults will be arriving as expected tomorrow.

Gahh. No wonder I never had any particular liking for Chinese New Year.

Oh well, for those of you who do, Happy Chinese New Year. And of course, Happy Chinese New Year's Valentine's Day!

Alone in darkness at
11:11 PM

Friday, February 12, 2010

"HELLO!", I said.
"HELLO! HELLO! HELLO!", a strange voice greeted me. [It just had to be 3 times. Hi My Sweetheart is proving to be an addiction that is going to be difficult to overcome.]

Oh wait, thats my voice, and those are echoes. Hahaha. Theres nobody here! If you are reading this, by any chance, you're either a pretty damn good friend or a pretty damn persistent stalker!

The cobwebs hanging around all over the place bares proof of my heartless abandonment of this once-sacred escape. This day last year, I wouldnt have, even in my wildest dreams, imagined such an extreme state of detachment from this personal space for such a prolonged period of time. I used to visit abandoned blogs and, shocked by their barren state, tell myself that there was no chance in Oompa Loompa Land this was gonna happen to mine. But alas, "what will come, will come." Well in this case, given the circumstances, you could say, "What has come, has come."

Wow, a solid 148 days. Thats how long its been since I last blogged. Hell, I even doubted my spelling of "Hello" while typing that first word of this long-overdue post. Trust me when I say I actually googled it to make sure I spelt it right. Thats how long I havent been excercising my literary abilities, let alone hold a pen, save for yesterday when I was decorating Alicia's bacteria-filled stapler which gave me sore-eyes. And also of course the travel forms required by customs during my trips overseas to Taiwan and Vietnam, but more on that in a later post.

Well, its now officially 12 am on 12 of February 2010. Which also quite officially means I have exactly 59 Days, 10 Hours and 45 Minutes till I am off to serve the country. Hopefully I have more luck with guns than I did with books. Sighs. I started feeling the dwindling of the time I have left since some of the guys went in last week. Living life knowing that the "end" is near is no joke. No offense intended, but you literaly feel like you have fucking genital cancer and that your days are numbered. Friends who fall into the before-mentioned cancer-patient category, Im sure you realise how sacred life is, and how precious the time you have with friends, family and loved ones is. Well, it doesnt take cancer to realise that. Enlisting for National Service tends to have the same effect on people.

Okay, please allow me to digress. I KNOW some people are already in Tekong, and I KNOW some people are going in even earlier than I am. I KNOW, okay? And I plead temporary ignorance. So please, just grant me the luxury of wallowing in self-pity and drowning in exaggerated misery.

Now, back to my original point. As enlistment day draws ever nearer, there seems to be this ticking and tocking of the clock ringing inside your ears that just feels like its getting ever louder. Thinking about the time you have left just makes you really really sad. Its a kind of sadness that neither endorphin-releasing chocolates nor Gelare waffles with raspberry ice cream can make any better. Trust me, I tried. But on the other hand. Choosing not to think about it brings about this doubt that you're never going to be making productive use of whatever time you have left. So you're stuck in this in-between lala land which is somewhat like being made to choose between a certain DM T or a certain CT C, if you get my drift. Dang. Listening to Joe Hisaishi's Ashitaka Sekki from Mononoke while churning out this post is making me sob like a 5 year-old girl.

No, of course Im kidding.

Anyway, enough of enlistment talk for today. I shall reserve that tolerant heart of yours for my national service rambling on another day of pre-army blues.

While waiting for the bus just now, I noticed a phenomenon that never really caught my attention.

Im sure everyone is familiar with the the bus interchange culture which exists as a result of Singaporeans' unwillingness to stand in queue for their buses. Be it laziness or convenience in the cases when commuters have more than one choice of bus, more often than not, many are hanging around the queues of their buses but seldom in them. Yet for some reason, they honourably obey a certain hierachy of boarding priority by patiently allowing those countrymen who bothered to get in line to board the bus first. That, I knew existed. [On a side note, how "Stand-arounds" are able to patiently wait for "Queuers" to board yet push and tussle with each other for a chance to board first, I do not know. But its sure as balls makes for a good laugh.]

What I never realised was that this boarding hierachy consisted of more than 2 parties. Other than the "Queuers" and "Stand-arounds", there exists this third unknown entity which I will now call the "Queuers-who-queue-in-the-wrong-queue". These people are the ones who have the tendency to exercise illogical behaviour. While they realise that they have more than one bus option, they still delibrately opt to stand in line for one of the buses available to them, all for the chance of priority boarding on at least one of the buses they are able to board. Of course there are those who genuinely enter the wrong queue, but they are the minority as far as Im concerned. And if you are one of them, stop cursing me with black magic and PUT DOWN THAT VOODOO DOLL. I have no issue with you.

Anyway, as I was saying, those belonging to "Queuers-who-queue-in-the-wrong-queue" often resort to the art of extensive body-contact and toe-trampling to get out of line when their other bus arrives first. What surprises me more is how the "Stand-arounds" are so willing to accept their baseless assertions over a higher boarding priority, just because they bothered to stand in a queue, albeit a wrong one.

The Singaporean mindset never ceases to amaze me.

But as a Singaporean, even though I havent the slightest idea why this is happening..

I just follow lorr.

Alone in darkness at
12:00 AM

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Well, I'd actually wanted to blog about some random stuff quite a few times before this, but Blogger was always down. So, TOO BAD. Haha. If I remember them after A Levels, I'll be sure to put it up.

Anyway, Prelims begin tomorrow. And I thought that since Im gonna be going on a long hiatus [The dry run of 22 days before this and the last post was more of a dry runish, rehearselish hiatus.], I might as well leave with something meaningful.

I remembered seeing this awhile back, but couldnt remember from where. So heres one I made myself.

Okay. Its not really meaningful in absolute terms, but definitely more meaningful than the usual random rubbish. As they say in computing, Rubbish In Rubbish Out, or otherwise known as RIRO. Okay, I didnt know what that was for. Hmm. Reminds me of Rio Ferdinand. Hmm. Which Reminds me of United. Hmm. Which reminds me that they played Beskitas in the Champions League group stages yesterday. Hmm. Which reminds me that I didnt watch that match yesterday. Hmm. Which reminds me that its the first United match I've missed in a long LONG time. Hmm. Which reminds me that the reason why I didnt watch is because I dont have Singtel Mio Tv. Hmm. Which makes me sad. Hmm. Which also makes me happy, because I think I made the right choice economically and academically not to subscribe to Singtel's Mio Tv. Hmm. Which reminds me of making the right choices. Hmm. Which then reminds me that just 10 cm away from my typing fingers right now are my GP notes waiting to be compiled. Hmm. Which then reminds me that I really should go.



Alone in darkness at
11:44 AM



Name: Austin Tay Zijing
Birthday: 11th April 1990, Aries
Tao Nan School,
Victoria School,
Temasek Junior College
E-mail: tay.zijing@gmail.com
MSN Messenger: tay.zijing@gmail.com
Friendster Profile: Here
Bingbox Profile: Here
Location: Singapore, Bedok
Favourite Sport: Soccer
Favourite Club: Manchester United
Favourite Euro 2008 Team: Portugal



Chia How
Ee Lynn
En Yi
Eric Yulianto
Guang Heng
Han Teng
Hui Qi
John Cheo
Jonathan Ong
Jonathan Samraj
Jun Yi
Kah Hui
Marcus Auyong
Marcus Chen
Ming Hao
Nicholas Hui
Pei Yun
Qi Xuan
See Kiat
Shi Ling
Si Yao
Timothy Ong
Wei Quan
Wen Shu
Wing Yi
Yang Ting
Ye Hao
Yi Heng
Ying Qi
Ying Ying
Yu Sheng
Yu Xian
Ze Long

Calvin in Cambridge
Mr Siow

Interesting Reads

Hamit Sport
Mr Brown
Pink Is The New Blog
We Wank
Xia Xue

11th Hour
Operation Promotion

Football's Lair

A Kick In The Grass
Chelsea Blog
Dirty Tackle
MU Daily
Red 11
Red Issue
Red News
Red Rants
Republik of Mancunia
Stretford End
The Guardian, Daniel Taylor
The Guardian, Rob Smyth
The Spoiler
United Rant
United Youths


May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
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December 2005
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February 2006
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May 2006
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December 2008
January 2009
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March 2009
April 2009
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June 2009
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September 2009
February 2010
January 2011


Happy Days

Time = Money. Earning alot?