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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Okay. So internship ended yesterday. 2 weeks of understanding and finding out what CPG Corporation, and the Information Technology Department in particular, was all about.

Admittedly, before this internship, I havent a single clue who CPG Corporation were and what they did. But after introductions to the corporation on the first day, I was simply blown away by the sheer magnitude of this organisation.

Disclaimer: They have a website, here. To make sure I do not violate their confidentiality agreement, what I'll be sharing with you is readily available on their website. It'll be summarised in my point of view, making it, in my opinion, easier to process. However, should you wish to get the information first hand out of the website itself, feel free to go ahead. Oh, and I'd better add that while I am trying to, whatever I post may not be 100% accurate in reflecting the actual fact of the company. Should you realise that to be the case, please do contact me so I can make necessary amendments as soon as possible to avoid further confusion.

Okay. First, the who.

Now, lets start with some of its history..

CPG Corporation was originally a Singapore government organisation, previously named the Public Works Department. It basically oversaw the development of Singapore, and had many sub-divisions under it, one of which is now known as the Housing Development Board. However, the PWD was privatised in 1999 under Temasek Holdings, and key national divisions like the HDB remained under the government while others followed PWD into the private sector. The PWD was later renamed CPG Corporation in 2002, and was sold the following year to an Australian company by the name of Downer EDI, where it remains now.

Geographically speaking, CPG Corporation occupies the 11th to 18th, except 14th, storeys of Novena Square Tower B.

So secondly, the what.

What do they do, you ask?

Put simply, CPG Corporation is a consultation firm. They take care of everything in the life cycle of a building or structure. Every nitty gritty detail from the birth of an idea right up to the maintenance of the completed building. They oversee the construction of the building, its material evaulation and site selection amongst many others. The only thing they do not do though, is the actual construction, which they sub-let out to contractors to handle under their supervision.

Each major phase of a project life cycle is handled by one of their 8 main subsidaries.

Its difficult not to be in awe after being exposed to their portfolio, especially since you're practically living in it. And it doesnt hurt that they can easily show you they're portfolio through any one of their tower windows overlooking the city.

Their portfolio can be found at their website. Im not about to type them out here, cause Im definitely not crazy. Theres just too many. But you'll soon realise that Im not exaggerating when I said you really are living in their portfolio. There's an almost 100% chance that you've been to one of their projects before. And like my mentor Mr Tong, Head of the Information Technology Department, said, "Its a 'cradle to grave' thing."

I'll have more on my reflections another time.

"Sixteen people were undergoing treatment for possibly having rabies in May in Hilton Head, S.C., after exposure to a baby raccoon later discovered to be rabid. While some of the 16 had merely cuddled it, an unknown number apparently could not resist kissing the wild animal on the lips."

Alone in darkness at
10:35 PM

Friday, November 28, 2008

Internship ended just about 5 hours ago. Tomorrow, I shall blog about internship at CPG Corporation. But first, i need huge doses of sleep. I almost fainted just now! Gahh.

"Many people believe Israelis have more important things to worry about these days, but the city government of Petah Tikva (a Tel Aviv suburb) became the latest municipality to implement a registry of dog DNA, to encourage owners to pick up after their pets in the city's streets and parks. Abandoned droppings will be analyzed and those dogs' owners punished. "

Alone in darkness at
11:21 PM

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Orhor! I just found out a little secret my dog's been keeping!

This is what she does when we've all gone to bed!

Wahh. She has a good life, I tell you.

And I cant believe she took the liberty of posing for that 2nd shot! Lol.

Anyway, this morning's match ended in a goalless draw.

Aston Villa 0 - 0 Manchester United.

Oh well, Im not really complaining though. Goalless draws more often than not tend to be dull, uneventful affairs. But this match really was an exception, definitely one of the more exciting draws I've ever been though. Judging from the way how Aston Villa fended off United's attacks and fought back, it looks like Sir Alex Ferguson was right. If there is anyone that is going to break into the top 4, at the moment it is them. And yes, I know. 2 points dropped, yada yada yada. But Chelsea and Liverpool both played out goaless draws this morning too! Arsenal even went one step further to lose 3-0 to Manchester City! My oh my, they are hardworking arent they. Haha. And Arsene Wenger's enlightened at last, he not only stripped William Gallas of his captaincy but also left him out of the squad completely! Hahahhaa.

Hmm. Anyway, intership resumes again tomorrow! SIAN! Nvm! 5 more days, just 50% more to go! I shall attempt to sleep early tonight! If i can get home early from a visit to my dad's friend's house for dinner, that is.

On a totally random note, my stomack fucking hurts. GAHH!

"In October, the local government council in Worcester, England, ordered Bill Malcolm to take down the 3-foot-high, barbed-wire fence he had installed to deter the thieves who had broken into his storage shed three times in the previous four months. According to the Daily Mail, the council said it feared the government would be sued by a wounded trespasser."

Alone in darkness at
5:18 PM

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saw this b.e.a.u.tiful rainbow while I was out today.

The cloud at the base of the rainbow just about made it a perfect rainbow. Haha.

Actually, with abit of imgination, the picture looks like one of an entirely different thing altogether. Just imagine that the area bounded by the rainbow is actually a huge ass planet orbiting very close to Earth. The light, which is the rainbow at the edge, actually makes it look like the Sun is coming around on the other side of it, and you're just about to see the 1st rays of the sunlight. Sort of like the moments after an eclipse occurs, with the Sun just coming out again.

Anyway, today's finally a break after 5 days of internship at CPG. Was freaking tired and just wanted to stay home and get some sleep. But then had to go out to do some tiles selection for the new house. So went to Balestier, did that, and went around the area looking at toilet accessories.

Somewhere along the way, this earth shattering idea of an interactive basin just hit me!

An ordinary toilet basin.

But what happens, if you add just a little captivating touch to it?


Just imagine this! You step up to the basin perhaps to wash your hands, but oh my, what is this? What a captivating design! You start to feel yourself losing control, and before you know it..


You wake up only to have to remove your head from inside the basin. While you are giving yourself a stern reminder never to let that happen again, you also find that your face is washed clean! If your basin is deep enough, your hair may be too!

How great is that!?

Hmm. On a side note, you'd better put the tap a little further away from the basin, lest you wake up with a cut on your forehead.

"Researchers at Plymouth University in England, with a small Arts Council grant, could not quite test whether an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number of typewriters could produce the works of Shakespeare, but did see what six Sulawesi crested macaque monkeys would write with a computer over a four-week period. According to a report in The Guardian, the apes produced about five pages of text between them, mostly consisting of the letter S. According to professor Geoff Cox, the monkeys spent a lot of time sitting on the keyboard."

Alone in darkness at
9:28 PM

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Hate Nature, Part 2. With David Attenborough.

Dont think theres a Part 3 as yet. Haha. But you can be sure I'll post it when its out.

"Akira Hino, 51, was arrested in Tokyo in September and charged with stealing a woman's underpants, using a fishing rod to reach a laundry pole on an apartment balcony. Police found more than 500 women's undies in his apartment."

Alone in darkness at
7:12 PM

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I Hate Nature, Part 1. With David Attenborough.

Look out for part 2, which should be up here tomorrow.

"Briton Sarah Burge, 49, broke the Guinness Book record for the most cosmetic surgery, having now spent a total of 539,500 pounds ($850,000) on more than 100 procedures, according to an October report in London's Daily Mail."

Alone in darkness at
9:05 PM

Monday, November 17, 2008

Aww. You guys are totally out of luck! There wont be any photos coming your way, cause CPG Corporation says "Trainee shall not reveal..". Okay your know what, maybe I shouldnt reveal THAT too. Hahahaha.

Anyway, 1st day of internship was, erm, how do I put it. "Interesting", might be the best word. Haha.

Oh well, Im shagged. Shall go to bed early today.

"Dutch designer Eric Klarenbeek, 29, has developed jewelry consisting of tiny crystals or flowers that hang directly from the eye via micro-thin medical wire attached to either prescription or blank contact lenses and, in the light, give the appearance of tears streaming down the cheek. He expects to hit the market soon, according to an October report in London's Daily Mail, at a price of the equivalent of around $325. Though the adornments appear to be painful or dangerous, Klarenbeek said users of his prototypes so far have been "amazed" at their comfort."

Alone in darkness at
7:55 PM

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Okay. So internship begins tomorrow with CPG Corporation tomorrow. With any luck, you should have some pictures to look at soon. Haha.

"Coincidentally in October, Britain's worst professional boxer, Peter Buckley, announced he will retire after his next bout. He has lost 88 in a row, and overall his record is 43-256."

Alone in darkness at
10:36 PM

Friday, November 14, 2008

Chanced upon a video of this small Asian kid playing the guitar awhile back, but never found out who he was until last week when I started digging up on him.

He's South Korean. His name is Sungha Jung, and he's freaking 12 years old this year.

And here are some of his many many videos.

More Than Words

Wake Me Up When September Ends

I Believe I Can Fly

With Or Without You

Pirates of The Caribbean

Tears In Heaven

Raindrops Falling On My Head

Top Of The World

You Are The Sunshine Of My Life

An unorthodox piece by him.

Canon in D

And my fucking favourite one of them all.

Mission Impossible

This kid prodigy plays the guitar in a way I can only dream of.

You can watch more of him on his YouTube Channel.

He also has his own MySpace page.

"Clair Robinson, 23, told an interviewer in September that she believes the only reason she survived the deadly flesh-eating infection recently was because she had too much weight for the bacteria to consume. 'Being big saved my life,' she told Australia's "Medical Emergency" TV show."

Alone in darkness at
10:02 PM

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Think umbrellas are as safe as it gets? Think again, bitches.

Continue reading this post, and it might just safe your life someday. For I am here after a close shave with death, yet again, to bring you the latest updates on everyday objects which may just about kill you. And this time, you get to thank your lucky stars that I share an intimate relationship with umbrellas of all shapes, colours, sizes and uses. In fact, I think the Umbrella Union is so pissed at me for insulting one of them in my previous post some time ago, which you can read here, that it had attempted to assassinate me! Mahmat.

Anyway, here, my friends, is what seems to be a perfectly safe-to-use everyday umbrella.

But what happens then, if the tip breaks off like this?

Orhor! See! Innocent looking umbrellas not that innocent anymore right!? Tsk tsk. Tell yous already! And you know what? Theres more! Yes, more!

You now know how dangerous it is right? Stab someone with this and he may die from the wound, if not from humiliation! Imagine when people find out that his death was caused by an umbrella!

Okay, ANYWAY, as I was going to say. You dont even have to make the effort to stab people with it! The spring system which which is part of the umbrella will do all the dirty work for you! If the court accuses you of stabbing somebody, you can deny it! Dumbass, your hand didnt even move! The spring stabbed the poor guy who died, so its not your fault!

Amazing, isnt it!? Just break of the handle when the umbrella is still closed, release the hatch, and voila! The weapon works like bow and arrows!


Okay, maybe not that guy, since he's already dead.

On a side note, ZOMG! I just spent 3 hours with my eyes glued to the screen doing that animation and it turned out crappy! Mike..

Anyway, omgoodnessme. Enlightenment has just descended upon me! I have uncovered the greatest conspiracy in the whole of Singapore's history since independence! The government is secretly arming every citizen with a weapon concealed in the form of everyday umbrellas! So fellow Singaporeans, should the need arise in times of war, you know what to do! Defend yourself with those umbrellas of yours, for goodness sake!

"Meleanie Hain's Pennsylvania concealed-weapons permit was revoked in September after spectators complained about her openly carrying her loaded, holstered Glock at her 5-year-old daughter's soccer game. However, the only penalty under state law is the loss of the privilege of concealment, so that if Hain continues to carry the gun, she must do so openly."

Alone in darkness at
8:49 PM

Monday, November 10, 2008


"Recent research in the Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy sheds light on the thorny social issue of why females continue to earn less money than males, even in similar jobs. Competing hypotheses have been advanced: It's either gender discrimination or simply that more women than men de-emphasize career aggressiveness in favor of family. The recent research suggests discrimination. Researchers found that females who were established in jobs and who then underwent sex changes actually increased their earnings slightly, but that males who became females lost about one-third of their earning power, according to an October summary of the research in Time magazine."

Alone in darkness at
7:37 PM

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Just seconds ago, the full time whistle was blown at the Emirates Stadium. There were perhaps a thousand reasons why United lost 2-1 to Arsenal, none of which challenged the fact that they deserved to lose.

United had 54% possession, but made little attempt to use it effectively.
United had 23 shots taken, but made little attempt to make them count.
United had 6 corners given in their favour, none of which ended up in the back of the net.

But amidst this sky of dark clouds emerged a ray of sunlight, and it came in the form of a 63rd minute substitute, Number 21, Rafael da Silva.

Yes, Rafael ran his heart out.
Yes, Rafael made excellent tackles.
And definitely yes, Rafael did something nobody could do on this trying day. Rafael scored a goal, and a superb one at that.

But what was more heartwarming was how young 18 year old Brazillian Rafael Da Silva urged his team on during the match, and how he so inspirationally called on his team mates, all of whom were years his senior, to waste no more time in building on the goal he scored. He so simply epitomises the United spirit. And how fitting indeed, that he came on for United club captain Gary Neville.

On a side note, this match result proves the unwilling fact, to United supporters especially, that United dont necessarily have to win at the end of a match for there to have been good football played. No doubt, Arsenal have won the match fair and square, and through their own means. But while they may have won this battle, they know the war is far from over. The beauty of the Barclays Premier League is in that it is a competition over 38 matches, and not just one. United have a game in hand, sitting 2 points behind Arsenal. They are in 4th place and only 5 points behind current joint leaders Chelsea and Liverpool. With the season less than a third of its way through, nobody will write United off as yet, for they are in prone position to retain their Premier League crown.

"Unlike their American counterparts, debt collectors in Spain are legally allowed to humiliate deadbeats in front of relatives and neighbors, and are thus quite successful, according to an October Wall Street Journal dispatch from Madrid. One collector's employees make flamboyant house calls in 'top hat and tails' and another's are dressed as Franciscan friars, and yet another collector sends bagpipe players to announce the debt to the entire neighborhood. One debtor hurriedly paid off his daughter's wedding tab when the collector found the ceremony's guest list and began billing each attendee for his or her 'share' of the debt."

Alone in darkness at
10:42 PM

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Pulled this off an email Yang Ting sent me.


Boy: May I hold your hand?
Girl: No thanks, it isn't heavy.

Girl: Say you love me! Say you love me!
Boy: You love me..

Girl: If we become engaged will you give me a ring?
Boy: Sure, what's your phone number?

Girl: I think the poorest people are the happiest.
Boy: Then marry me and we'll be the happiest couple ever.

Girl: Darling, I want to dance like this forever..
Boy: Don't you ever want to improve?

Boy: I love you and I could die for you!
Girl: How soon?

Boy: I would go to the end of the world for you!
Girl: Yes, but would you stay there?

Sharon: Have you ever had a hot passionate, burning kiss?
Tracy: I did once. He'd forgotten to take the cigarette out of his mouth.

Man: You remind me of the sea.
Woman: Because I'm wild, romantic and exciting?
Man: No, because you make me sick.

Wife: You tell a man something, it goes in one ear and comes out of the other.
Husband: You tell a woman something: It goes in both ears and comes out of the mouth.

Mary: John says I'm pretty. Andy says I'm ugly.What do u think, Peter?
Peter: A bit of both. I think you're pretty ugly.

Girlfriend: ...And are you sure you love me and no one else ?
Boyfriend: Dead Sure! I checked the whole list again yesterday.

Teacher: Which is more important to us, the sun or the moon?
Pupil: The moon.
Teacher: Why?
Pupil: The moon gives us light at night when we need it but the sun gives us light only in the day time when we don't need it.

Teacher: What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
Pupil: A teacher.

Waiter: Would you like your coffee black?
Customer: What other colors do you have?

My father is so old that when he was in school, history was called current affairs.

Teacher: Sam, you talk a lot!
Sam: It's a family tradition.
Teacher: What do you mean?
Sam: Sir, my grandpa was a street hawker, my father is a teacher.
Teacher: What about your mother?
Sam: She's a woman.

Tom: How should I convey the news to my father that I've failed?
David: You just send a telegram: Result declared, past year's performance repeated.

Teacher: Now, children, if I saw a man beating a donkey and stopped him, what virtue would I be showing?
Student: Brotherly love.

Teacher: Now, Sam, tell me frankly do you say prayers before eating?
Sam: No sir, I don't have to, my mom is a good cook.

Patient: What are the chances of my recovering doctor?
Doctor: One hundred percent. Medical records show that nine out often people die of the disease you have. Yours is the tenth case I've treated. The others all died.

Teacher: Can anybody give an example of COINCIDENCE?
One Student: Sir, my Mother and Father got married on the same day and at the same time.

Teacher: George Washington not only chopped down his father's Cherry tree, but also admitted doing it. Now do you know why his father didn't punish him?
One Student: Because George still had the axe in is hand.

"In August in Billings, Mont., federal officers recognized Wyoming fugitive Sterling Wolfname, 26, on the street, but the man tried to give a different name, seemingly oblivious that "Wolfname" was tattooed on the side of his head."

Alone in darkness at
8:07 PM

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Forgot to post this photo of Gorden taken awhile back.

What do you do when you have to answer a phone call while you're in class? Apparently, this.

"Angela Tuttle was elected constable in Hancock County, Tenn., in August, simply because she showed up and voted. There were no candidates on the ballot, and thus her own write-in vote for herself carried the election, 1-0."

Alone in darkness at
7:28 PM

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Okay! I hereby decide that my exercise regime for the holidays shall start officially as of tomorrow!

Anyway, as you might have noticed for quite some time now, I've been ending off every post with a quote. Excluding of course the occasional cases where I was too emo to be bothered. Haha.

Some people ask me why Im emo. Im not! I have a reason for doing whatever I did, however stupid it may be. Haha.

I was thinking some time ago before promos, how I can motivate myself to study amongst other things. So, I came up with a brilliant solution, I shall include quotes in every blog post! Lol. And its not just about those particular quotes I actually get around to posting, you see. Since I have to filter through quotes until I find one that is just remotely relevant to my post, I figured I'd effectively have read quite a few quotes for every one that Ive posted. Smart right! Haha. Oh well, I guess not.

ANYWAY, now that the holdiays are here. I have a new initiative! As of this moment onwards until whatever date I deem fit, it shall be Weird News time! Woohoo.

"In july, Leroy Macafee, 55, was charge in Austin, Texas with molesting an 11 year old girl and confessed to the police that he had molested two others as well. However, he refused to describe those incidents because he wanted to save that information for his autobiography."

Alone in darkness at
11:33 PM

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Okay. I officially have a new weirdest dream in life!

And the stars of last night's dream were as follows.

- Cristiano Ronaldo
- Extremely long shoe laces
- Sir Alex Ferguson
- Manchester United 1st Team
- Mr Francis Tong
- Temasek Junior College Soccer guys
- Some kickass architecture of a football stadium I saw on Discovery Channel
- My house
- The toilet

And surprise, surprise. Last but not least, Mr Teo Ser Luck! Ex-Victorian and current Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports & Ministry of Transport!

What the! Its omgnessly as random as LuoWei's "The leg exploits my dream haircut"!

"I am accustomed to sleep and in my dreams to imagine the same things that lunatics imagine when awake." - Rene Descartes

Alone in darkness at
2:52 PM



Name: Austin Tay Zijing
Birthday: 11th April 1990, Aries
Tao Nan School,
Victoria School,
Temasek Junior College
E-mail: tay.zijing@gmail.com
MSN Messenger: tay.zijing@gmail.com
Friendster Profile: Here
Bingbox Profile: Here
Location: Singapore, Bedok
Favourite Sport: Soccer
Favourite Club: Manchester United
Favourite Euro 2008 Team: Portugal



Chia How
Ee Lynn
En Yi
Eric Yulianto
Guang Heng
Han Teng
Hui Qi
John Cheo
Jonathan Ong
Jonathan Samraj
Jun Yi
Kah Hui
Marcus Auyong
Marcus Chen
Ming Hao
Nicholas Hui
Pei Yun
Qi Xuan
See Kiat
Shi Ling
Si Yao
Timothy Ong
Wei Quan
Wen Shu
Wing Yi
Yang Ting
Ye Hao
Yi Heng
Ying Qi
Ying Ying
Yu Sheng
Yu Xian
Ze Long

Calvin in Cambridge
Mr Siow

Interesting Reads

Hamit Sport
Mr Brown
Pink Is The New Blog
We Wank
Xia Xue

11th Hour
Operation Promotion

Football's Lair

A Kick In The Grass
Chelsea Blog
Dirty Tackle
MU Daily
Red 11
Red Issue
Red News
Red Rants
Republik of Mancunia
Stretford End
The Guardian, Daniel Taylor
The Guardian, Rob Smyth
The Spoiler
United Rant
United Youths


May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
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May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
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November 2008
December 2008
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March 2009
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February 2010
January 2011


Happy Days

Time = Money. Earning alot?