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Friday, October 31, 2008

Hmm. Interesting video.

"A society is a nation united by a delusion about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbours." - William Ralph Inge

Alone in darkness at
6:39 PM

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Omg. Faux pas!

I was about to go bring the dirty dishes to the kitchen from the dining table, when guess what? My pants dropped to my ankles while i was halfway there! Eh, stop imagining things can? Wah lau! Luckily I wore tights! Phew.

I had to like drag my pants while walking there cause my hands were full and I couldnt pull my pants up!

Thank god there werent any guests in the house for dinner! Otherwise..

Okay anyway, went to watch Blindness with George and Zai today.

Blindness, in summary and as fully reflected in the movie title, is literally about blindness. And you know what? The movie was so deep and encompassed so many things that I dont even know where to begin to tell you what it is about! But fret not, for there is a simple answer to such an earth-shattering dilemma: Go watch the movie!

And its the kinda movie where you either like it or you dont, understand it or you dont, feel it or you dont. So dont take my word too seriously! Watch the movie yourself and see what you get out of it!

"Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be." - Jose Ortega Y. Gasset

Alone in darkness at
7:40 PM

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Something's definitely been wrong these few days. I just feel a sense of uneasiness. I just dont feel right.

Could it be? Afterall, he did leave us around this time last year.

"A man dying is more the survivors' affair than his own." - Thomas Mann

Alone in darkness at
10:32 PM

Friday, October 24, 2008

I hope I havent come to a point where nothing can really make me happy anymore, though it sure seems like it.

"I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it." - Charles M. Schulz

Alone in darkness at
8:23 PM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

You know the world is a fucked up place when you watch good people turn bad, knowing they have to.

Its amazing how my stoning sessions for hours on end can be sparked off by such one liner of a thought. Just that one comment, thought or question is enough to make me lie there thinking about life for hours and hours, like yesterday.

You might say otherwise, but skipping school is of some use to me afterall. I had the time and space alone, to think. An epiphany at the end of this all, coupled with my new-found semi-obsession over the Full Metal Alchemist series [ No thanks to Shiling! ] made me realise that the many days I spent last year skipping school, cooped up at home emoing wasnt as useless as I first thought. I had to have gained something. Afterall, that is the Principle of Equivalent Trade, as stated in the Full Metal Alchemist series. You know, there are many other Life's lessons one can learn from the Full Metal Alchemist series. If only you bothered to look deeper beyond the surface of the innocent anime.

Lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling in darkness thinking excessively, I dare say that I have thought deeper, harder and more than anybody else I know. I've thought about things people never thought about. I've thought about things people never thought they could think about. Worse still, I've thought about things people shouldnt be thinking about. But then again, I've also realised after thinking, that everybody would feel the same.

But anyhow, that, is what I've gained in exchange. Though I guess, on the outside all these wouldnt matter because nobody will bother to look that deep into somebody else. So im still the, immature, insensitive and plump dickhead everyone thinks I am. Oh well. Then again, my world is a sad place to be in. Be glad you're not in it.

"People cannot gain anything without sacrificing something. You must present something of equal value to gain something. That is the Principle of Equivalent Trade in Alchemy. We believed that was the truth of the world when we were young." - Alphonse Elric

Alone in darkness at
5:32 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008






为什么人要这么的脆弱 堕落




珍惜一切 就算没有拥有



微微笑 小时候的梦我知道



回家吧 回到最初的美好

不要这么容易就想放弃 就像我说的

追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了



笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的


童年的纸飞机 现在终于飞回我手里

所谓的那快乐 赤脚在田里追蜻蜓追到累了

偷摘水果被蜜蜂给叮到怕了 谁在偷笑呢


哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆

哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎

珍惜一切 就算没有拥有



"Love does not begin and end the way we think it does. Love is a battle, Love is a war; Love is a growing up." - James A. Baldwin

Alone in darkness at
11:21 AM

Sunday, October 12, 2008

"The man who has done his level best... is a success, even though the world may write him down as a failure." - B. C. Forbes

Alone in darkness at
10:18 PM

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Im now using a Snoy Erriosscn! It has a screwy touch screen and a wicked 0.3 Megapixel camera! Beat that! Haha.

Just came home from sending my N95 8GB for repair, at Parkway Nokia. Volume button was spoilt, along with abnormal battery drain and SIM card connection. Anyway, while I was waiting for my queue number to be reached, I noticed this counter being manned by a Chinese national. He was dealing with a particularly difficult customer who, ironically, happens to be another chinese national. That old man was at his counter for quite a long time, the two engaged in a rather animated, erm, "discussion". Haha. Anyway, they were at it up till the time my turn came, and while I was leaving, that old man wasnt there anymore. In his place was another old man. Who, sad to say, was also directing his anger at that Nokia staff. Haha. So apparently, that poor chinese man has had to deal with old, grumpy, chinese men all day long. Lol.

Anyway, after my dad and I left the Nokia outlet, we continued upstairs to Giant to get some grocery done. We were engaged in such a deep conversation that we almost ended up stepping onto an escalator which was going downwards. Lol. We were like talking talking, both having lifted our legs to step onto and escalator when we both looked down and realised it was coming towards us. -_-" Then we both proceeded to achieve a high unglam rating of 10 when we tried to get our balance back. Lol. I wonder how stupid we looked.

I seem to have something with escalators today. Earlier on after guitar at Tampines Mall, me and George were acting like retards. The escalator which was going downwards outisde the Tampines Mall building facing the Tampines MRT Station had broken down. We stepped onto the 1st step, held the handrail and then proceeded to stand there motionless, while staring into the horizon. I think the people behind us must have thought we were crazy. Hahaha.

Oh yes, almost forgot. Anyway, theres a Pasar Malam at Marine Parade central. I bought myself a Ramly burger, as usual. And guess what? The patty was like heart-shaped! Haha. Didnt take a picture though, cause the temptation to just take a bite out of it was too huge to resist. >.< I think Im becoming more and more like ShiLing. Haha.

I tried to leave a comment on YuXian's Livejournal and they tried to confirm whether I was human.

What the..

"The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers." - Sydney J. Harris

Alone in darkness at
8:59 PM

Friday, October 10, 2008

Just came home from playing soccer at The Cage at kallang just now from 4 to 6. It wasnt the normal 5 or 7 hours I used to play after exams, but considering the long wait to finally get to play properly, I'll take anything I can get. Besides, I doubt I have the stamina to last that long already anyway. I couldnt even last the 2 hours without wanting to die. Haha. Oh well, this time round I became the coordinator somehow. I knew everybody there, but they didnt know each other. Haha. But glad to say at least that wasnt the case after the session. People from 2608, Victoria and Marine Parade got to know each other. LOL. Behold the power of love for the sport. Hahaha. Anyway, Im sorreh En Yi! I think i was rather ruthless in front of goal. Hope i didnt break any of your bones or anything. Sorreh!

Anyway, my half hour trip back from Kallang was spent listening to the conversation of this 2 young ladies sitting behind me. They were sharing their stories of love, life, conflicts and politics. Rather interesting and insightful stories I must say. Oh well, I guess 10 years from now I'll have had my fair share of such experiences.

Oh my God! I just looked at my arm, and guess what I saw? Many many bubbles popping out from my sunburnt skin. And their filled of sweat. Gross, major! I had better take a bath now.

Anyway, my body is rejecting fast food. I wonder if thats good or bad. Hmm. I guess I'll just take it as a good thing then.

I'll talk about my results tomorrow, or something.

"It is not length of life, but depth of life." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Alone in darkness at
8:02 PM

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Another LOLer. LOL!

"I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Woody Allen

Alone in darkness at
6:09 PM

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Just got home from a freaking exhausting day out. Went kayaking in the morning. Had to literally drag myself off the bed, cause I was damn bloody tired from only a few hours of sleep after watching United play in the early morning. Not forgetting I've been rather sleep deprived for the past few days since Promos ended. Couple them together and you get a zombish me walking around. Lol. Though finally being able to kayak did wonders as a motivation. Haha. Anyway, going through the motion of retrieving the dancer, checking the boat, collecting and putting on the equipment was rather satisfying.

After being away from the water for so long, I thought at first that we should just hang around the coast abit for today just to get back in touch with that kayaking feeling. But Zai didnt want to and we decided to go to Ubin for fried rice in the end. On the way there, I think he sort of regretted it. Lol. Cause we almost got killed by "Genki Johor", this fucking huge container ship.

The back view of those bastards.

Below, just for illustrations sake.

We were at the edge of the channel between Ubin and Pasir Ris, looking to cross. We saw 2 ships coming in, but they were pretty far away, very very small silhouettes in the far distance. So deciding that it was safe, we decided to cross. Bad idea, very very bad idea.

When we were in the middle of the channel, i was like "Oh. Guess what? The small silhouettes arent that small anymore! In fact, their fucking huge!" So i was like shit, paddling for my life, while shouting at Zai and George to fucking hurry up. They were still like playing a fool, getting in each others' way. -_-" After paddling like fuck for some time, I thought we were finally safe, cause I could see some parts of the side of Genki Johor, meaning we were out of their path. But NO! That stupid container ship had to change course! Bloody hell! It steered right and came right at us! Wah lau! Then i think finally enlightened by the humongous size of the container ship, George and Zai started paddling for their lives. And as the container ship approached us, I looked behind and saw them right smack in the path of it, still paddling like shit.

For a moment, I seriously thought they were screwed. With the container ship charging right at you, and white foamy waves coming up at the tip where it cuts the sea, it was fucking scary. It was like seeing this gaint chopper flying right at you. Genki Johor was a few metres away now. Then, it happened so fast, and we all realised that it wasnt time for them to die yet. They made it past the smack centre of it, but only by a few metres.

But at the end of the day, we were all happy men. Not just cause we survived, but also cause we achieved what we set out there to do. We ate our fried rice, without getting ourselves killed.

Our fried rice. Haha.

Zai, probably with a phobia of fucking huge ships now. Checking to see if the Genki Johor was behind him. *gasps*

The old people behind him were these bunch of old chikopehs sitting around doing nothing, looking at babes walk by. And babes by their definition, mind you. Haha. They eventually got chased away by the shop owners.

Anyway, while we were enjoying our seriously hard earned fried rice, we spotted this super starved cat which was literally skin and bones.

It had this super nasty wound also, where its bones were showing. Super gross.

After we finished up our fried rice and restocked on 100 plus, we left Ubin and on our way out, we found a dead fish. Lol.

Before we knew it, the sky had darkened and the winds strengthened.

We were in for a hell of a journey back. Seriously. I think the current, wind and waves were all against us. The 4 km paddle back to mainland must have effectively been 8 km or more. We were like paddling so hard but moving no where sia. Everytime we stopped to rest, we drifted back like a freaking long way! Wah lau! But nvm lahh. At least there were no ships this time. Thank god. Lol.

After a freaking exhausting paddle across, we finally reach mainland, where we slacked around and got in touch with our blade rolling skills. Haha.

AND I dont feel like bloggin anymore. Lol. Its been a long post.

Anyway, I hereby proclaim that planning for the Vietnam Residential Project for NYAA Gold is a pain in the ass!

"Suicide is a man's way of telling God, 'You can't fire me - I quit!' " - Bill Maher

Alone in darkness at
7:52 PM

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Its funny how many interesting things you can come across on just a simple walk home from a nearby coffee shop after having dinner.

After dinner, I took a detour around the estate back home. And on the way, passed by a "we-sell-everything, almost" shop. Rather common now a days, especially in heartland areas. They normally have this bright shiny silver zinc flooring, you know? Haha.

Anyway, guess what this shop was selling? The Vii! Yes! The Vii! -_-" Not to sound racially offensive in anyway, but maybe they produced it cause there were alot of indians asking for it. Lol. "Do you sell the Vii?" Omg. The mere thought of it makes me wanna laugh. Haha.

In the background, these shop usually have this voice recorded sales advertisement on loop blaring from the speakers. And I managed to catch this one part which went something like "You know where to spend your money right? Yes, at our shop." Like, what the?

Haha. Then further into the walk home, I passed by this two cats publicly professing their love, making it in this case, for each other. And of all locations available to them, they had to do it in front of everyone on this empty parking lot beside a Red Rhino. Picture perfect, I tell you.

"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain

Alone in darkness at
8:13 PM

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Okay. I just got off a 1 hour bus ride journey from Cineleisure [I now proudly know where it is. -_-"], after watching Eagle Eyes with Zai and George. And guess what? Im feeling super relaxed now!

If you didnt already know, or if you havent been on an SXS bus in recent years, the SXS Transit has launched a new initiative for Singaporean commuters! "Busride Massage" Thats right! You didnt see it wrong. The SXS Transit has indeed launched such an initiative. In accordance with their aim to provide comfortable, efficient and affordable transportation for Singaporeans, the SXS Transit has hereby decided to give free massages to all passengers. Furthermore, this massage is provided in a form known as the "Vibratiomassage", or simply put, Vibration Massage. Alright. Try your best to think straight, although I understand its hardly possible.

Anyway, this Vibratiomassage is the result of deep thought, as well as extensive Research & Development on the part of the SXS Transit. They have gone out of their way here to provide, once again, comfortable, efficient and affordable transportation for all! There is now no need to spend extra cash getting a massage at those sleazy heartland massage parlours anymore, where you only get heartaches, nothing more! You can keep that cash, and spend it on transportation with the SXS Transit instead! You get to arrive at your destination, while wasting no time in transit by getting a massage in the mean time. It just doesnt get any better than this! Whats more, everyone can benefit from this heart and butt warming experience! Male or female, tall or short, fat or thin, hairful or bald, young or old, smart or stupid, aware or unaware, you all stand to benefit from this. At no extra charge, too!

And just how is it done exactly? Simply put, after the extensive Research & Development, SXS Transit has found an ingenius, cost-effective and utility maximising method! It is as easy as saying "Oh, Ah, Ow!" Just refuse to service the bus wheel suspensions, they say! By refusing to provide damping to the bus movement, no matter how tempted they are to do it, the SXS Transit has effectively provided their commuters with free Vibratiomassage from the bus engine! Genius, I say! No?

Disclaimer: All parties mentioned in the above post are ficticious, as much as you would like to believe otherwise. Any resemblances to corporations existing or not are purely conincidental. The author will not be held liable for any negative externalities generated on 3rd parties as a result of the production of this article. However, should any random corporation wish to approach the author for reward due to any positive externalities generated, please, feel free to do so, even though he had no part in it.

Okay. Spent the day in school playing Monopoly with ShiLing and Yuxian. Also tried to visualise and plan the layout for my new room. So, school was a complete waste of time today. But hey, actually on 2nd thought, Id much rather not be doing Project Work. Haha.

Anyway, I find it super mahmat that I'd missed United's game against Aalborg yesterday morning. I didnt miss a single game all the way up till the end of promos. But the very 1st game after promos, I missed. Mike.

"A well developed sense of humour is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tight rope of life." - William A. Ward

Alone in darkness at
8:13 PM

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Its just past midnight now. Just had a bath after coming home from meeting up with some of the prefects from the ExCo batch of 0506 back in Victoria. Had a 'good' time finding my way to them around evening, it must have been ages since I've last been to Suntec. Haha. Couldnt decide where to eat at first, but eventually settled on Pizza Hut.

Anyway, considering we havent gotten together in more than a year, we started talking again rather comfortably. Its like we've never been gone. Haha. There were loads of rubbish, as usual. With the random bitching about weird eccentric guys from VS. -_-"

Its nice to meet up with old friends once in awhile you know. Staying in touch can be rather difficult sometimes, with everyone all over the place doing all the different things. Haha. Prime example, our dearest Head Prefect, BMI. Lol. Firdaus went off to Malaysia after O Levels, for, what we now know to be, no reason. Took his A Levels there at a boarding school, got his driving licence, choked himself on tear gas during the riot, and is now back in Singapore taking 2 temporary jobs while waiting for National Service, one of which includes selling water purifiers. Lol. And he even has a name card, with his name on it! Beat that! Haha. But actually considering he can recite information on the water purifier pamphlet from off the top of his head, im not really surprised. Haha. Oh well, Minimat!

Anyway, bill was settled rather quickly again today. Better still this time round, we had extra $6! Lol. We then proceeded to Macdonalds, from Pizza Hut to buy ice cream with the remaining money, where we met Alvin Phua, a 1st Deputy Head prefect from many many batches ago. How fitting! Lol.

Oh yes, Happy Children's Day.

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." - Marcel Proust

Alone in darkness at
12:27 AM



Name: Austin Tay Zijing
Birthday: 11th April 1990, Aries
Tao Nan School,
Victoria School,
Temasek Junior College
E-mail: tay.zijing@gmail.com
MSN Messenger: tay.zijing@gmail.com
Friendster Profile: Here
Bingbox Profile: Here
Location: Singapore, Bedok
Favourite Sport: Soccer
Favourite Club: Manchester United
Favourite Euro 2008 Team: Portugal



Chia How
Ee Lynn
En Yi
Eric Yulianto
Guang Heng
Han Teng
Hui Qi
John Cheo
Jonathan Ong
Jonathan Samraj
Jun Yi
Kah Hui
Marcus Auyong
Marcus Chen
Ming Hao
Nicholas Hui
Pei Yun
Qi Xuan
See Kiat
Shi Ling
Si Yao
Timothy Ong
Wei Quan
Wen Shu
Wing Yi
Yang Ting
Ye Hao
Yi Heng
Ying Qi
Ying Ying
Yu Sheng
Yu Xian
Ze Long

Calvin in Cambridge
Mr Siow

Interesting Reads

Hamit Sport
Mr Brown
Pink Is The New Blog
We Wank
Xia Xue

11th Hour
Operation Promotion

Football's Lair

A Kick In The Grass
Chelsea Blog
Dirty Tackle
MU Daily
Red 11
Red Issue
Red News
Red Rants
Republik of Mancunia
Stretford End
The Guardian, Daniel Taylor
The Guardian, Rob Smyth
The Spoiler
United Rant
United Youths


May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
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September 2007
October 2007
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February 2008
March 2008
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May 2008
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August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
February 2010
January 2011


Happy Days

Time = Money. Earning alot?