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Friday, May 30, 2008

Oh man
. I so wanna be a clown when I grow up.

Alone in darkness at
2:59 PM

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Today must have been the most interesting, fufilling and satisfying day I've had EVER. [Still 2nd though to THAT day 485 days ago.]

2.45 AM

The day started for me when I woke up to watch England beat USA 2-0. Its good to see the England team come together and play some effective football under Fabio Capello. Well, its just one game, but at the moment their future looks bright for the 2010 World Cup.

5.15 AM

Then decided to go for an early morning run at East Coast. Lasted 1++ hour. Stormy skies and raging winds. Shiok!

7.00 AM

Started studying Physics.

12.00 PM

Cooked and had lunch at home. By the way, here are photos of my spaghetti yesterday. Haha.

12.30 PM
Continued studying Physics.

3.30 PM
Went back to VS for soccer with George. Then happened to meet Safi and JunJie and ended up playing soccer with the IT Club people.

6.30 PM

Went over to Parkway. Bought some staionery at Popular. Then packed dinner and Bubble Tea! Woo!

By the way, my trip to Parkway was a damned funny one.

First was at the VS bus-stop and I just so happened to overhear a conversation between 2 Victorians. Well, its not like I wanted to lahh. They were just talking so loudly. Lol. From what I deduced, only one of them was REALLY weird. The other was just trying hard not to make things awkward. Haha.

Anyway, heres what happened while I was at the bus stop, and bit parts of their conversation here and there.

- Weird Victorian is practising singing a damn weird chinese song, and badly at that, when other Victorian walks to the bus stop and says hi.
- Weird Victorian starts chatting with other Victorian, and talks in a very slow manner, sounding almost mentally challenged.
- Victorians start discussing why the both of them had to go back to school even though it was the holidays.
Weird Victorian: "Oh. 7th to 10th? Then 20th and 21st? Is that one week after another?" [AHDUH, obviously not.]
Normal Victorian: "Erm. No lah."[Obviously trying hard not to react to his stupidity.]
Weird Victorian: "What day is the 21st?"
Normal Victorian: "Sunday, the day before school reopens."
- Then the weird Victorian suddenly replies very agressively.
Weird Victorian: "SUNDAY!? HOW COULD THEY DO THIS!?"
- Normal Victorian tries to pretend nothing happened and carries on with the conversation by talking about other things. Their conversation eventually takes them to somewhere where the weird Victorian suddenly says something in a VERY gay manner. I was shocked, seriously.
Weird Victorian: "Dont worry~, I'll bring a shovel~. We'll just chat chat and get along~."
- Normal Victorian once again trying hard not to fall off his seat, and changes the topic. Another shock awaits.
- Weird Victorian supposedly imitates a teacher and LO AND BEHOLD, he manages to speak at a normal pace! Some more with perfect imitation of england english slang!

Wahh. I cannot even begin to describe to you how shocked I was. Luckily at that point my bus came, or I'd just have dropped dead on the spot. Of course not before vommitting on that weird Victorian. Hmm.

Okay. Then the next interesting thing happened while I was on the bus going towards Parkway. I saw a signpost which looked like THIS.

What the hell is wrong with the LTA!? Cannot U-Turn say cannot U-Turn lahh. Why the hell must put one extra "Reminder" there sia. You mean you put reminder then people U-Turn kena caught dont need to pay fine mehh? Funny idea sia. They only remind you only horr.

7.30 PM
Reached home and here I am blogging. Haha.

Notice the abrupt stop. Haha. I got tired of typing. -_-"

So I shall end off today's post with photos of the Chihuahua my brother found ON the day before he flew off, LEAVING ME TO TAKE CARE OF THE DAMNED DOG. Which includes cleaning up her shit and piss and what not. But that thing so adorable, so nvm. Ha.

P.S. My leg is falling apart. Dang.

P.P.S. My finger hurts like shit now Got a papercut under my fingernails, at the place where the nails joing with the meat. I think its quite a depp cut. Bled quite badly when i first cut it.

Alone in darkness at
8:29 PM

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The hero who was Oskar Schindler.

Schindler's List is a really really great movie. And I'd advise everybody to watch it. Haha.

Alone in darkness at
7:19 PM

Monday, May 26, 2008

Just got back not too long ago. Haha. Went to send my parents and brother off on their holiday to China, while Im stuck in Singapore because of 3 hours' worth of Math lecture. >.< AND I KNOW, weird cock right? Why'd anybody want to go to China for a holiday, some more right after the quakes and all. What? Sight-seeing ahh? Go China to confirm that the death toll is what was reported in the news? -_-" Eh. Stop making fun lahh. Many innocent people died out there in China okay. Tsk.

Anyway, while the situation is China is definitely by far the most depressing and saddening event happening at the moment, the main focus of today's post, against all logic, is actually THE BUDGET TERMINAL. After a thorough round of scrutiny, I only have one thing to say. IT REALLY IS DAMN BLOODY BUDGET.

And why I think its BUDGET:

1. There is only ONE damned clock in the entire terminal! And mind you, its not a damned big clock either. Its the type commonly found in our lecture theatres. Hmm. On the bright side, you now have an excuse to be late when boarding the plane. "Sir, why you so late ahh?", "Oh. Very sorry lehh. I was too busy enjoying myself at the playground you have provided for us. Its just SO big and SO fun, that I lost track of time. Some more you only put one bloody clock in the WHOLE damned terminal lehh. I cannot see the time lehh.", "Well, we're glad to have been of service to you sir, however little, or if any at all. Please proceed this way to leave Singapore immediately. Thank you."

2. The roof at the terminal is damn OBIANG! Wahh man I tell you. Its like those old slum housing type of wavy zinc roof. Just that maybe its not made of zinc. Well, it wasnt raining when I was there, otherwise I would probably have heard the "Plit, Plat, Plit, Plat" created by the water droplets on the roof.

3. The toilet urinal does not have the "Fly" in it! You know the fly which so famously stirred the oh-so-conservative Singaporean community? The one which supposedly helps able-bodied Singaporean men "aim" properly? What? The Singapore National Service so top-notch then teach you to be marksmen with all the high-tech man-made weapons, everything except your natural one horr? AND ORHOR, so you saying people who fly economic, business or first class need help with their aiming lahh? Oh. So i know the moral of the story liao. If you can aim, fly Budget.

Budget, right?

Alone in darkness at
7:31 PM

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Today's TJCO Concert was.. Well, how do I put it? Interesting. And I have to say, I've left the theatre a pretty damn bit more knowledgeable. Especially regarding conducting. Haha.

The "I told you so!", "Flying Crane", "Yee-Ha!" and what not. Haha. Oh, and not forgetting the ocassional spasmming of the body. -_-"

Oh oh oh, and REMEMBER! You must tell your audience after every piece, where you're hurting. Shoulder pain, chest pain or heart pain, all also must say. Then after you leave the stage, REMEMBER to always come back out at least once more, for confirmation.

These are the keys to being a good conductor. Haha.

Alone in darkness at
10:54 PM

Friday, May 23, 2008

The school term has officially ended. Its time to study hard for the common tests now. The 1st week of June will be when it all happens. Its make or break, this time. It really is.

Oh well, enough about the stressing and depressing stuff. The real reason why Im here today, is to share with you a little something. Something weird which happened to me today on my way out of school. Haha.

Well, guess what I saw on the tracks on my way out of school today. You can take as long as you like, but you'll never get it right.


Yes. There it was, all curled up and stuff. Probably soggy too. Haha. Okok. I know im sick. But hey, seriously. Thats the last thing I'd expect to see on the track. -_-"

I know you'd probably be expecting a photo just about now. Haha. But I only realised I should have taken one when I had already walked like 20m away. By then I was already too lazy to turn back. Lol.

Nahh. Im just kidding. Like OBVIOUSLY. Underwear would be something too explicit to put on a PG rated blog. Like duh, how can someone be that lazy. Right? (:

Alone in darkness at
8:59 PM

Thursday, May 22, 2008

UEFA Champions League Final

Manchester United 1 (6) - (5) 1 Chelsea

Pardon me, but Im utterly speechless. Its a joy that cannot be expressed in words, really.

Alone in darkness at
5:39 AM

Monday, May 19, 2008


I really MUST blog about this!

2++ Hours, 754 Lines, and 16 Switch Cases later, MY CHIONING FOR WORKSHOP 7 QUESTION 7 HAS PAID OFF!

I've completed it! WOOHOO! and GUESS WHAT!?


Wahh man. I feel like the Frankenstein scientist!

"It Lives! ".
*Evil Laughters*

Alone in darkness at
3:51 PM

I never knew I had so much support around. Thank god I have friends. (: Anyway, enough about the sad stuff. Now, on to even sadder stuff.

After living a reasonably mundane and rountine life for the past few months, changes now seem to be coming at me thick and thin, and from everywhere. But thats okay. I can cope with change, contrary to what the school administration and counsellors believe.

This time round though, I have to say, things are getting serious. After the late night drama of choppers and merciless karate kicks, my 15 year old cousin got thrown out of the house by my uncle, and is now living with us "temporarily indefinitely". Or at least until further notice.

I was about to tell you guys what happened, but I realised how bad it would be to gossip about the demise of another's family.

Actually, no lahh. Haha. It more of me being too lazy to type. Theres too much to say.

Alone in darkness at
12:05 PM

Friday, May 16, 2008

I cant stand seeing her so down, and so sad. Im trying so hard to make her happy. I really really am. But everytime I do, I just seem to take on more and more of her problems, and her stress. This is on top of the shit I already am going through. But I'd do it willingly though. Anytime, anyday. Its just that I dont think I can hold out much longer.

Well, at least she's happy. That's all that matters.

Alone in darkness at
10:46 PM

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Over dinner, just a few moments ago, I was listening to newsflashes over the television.
Apparently, they were reporting about this rainbow in China. About how it signified light at the end of the tunnel, amidst all the chaos and destruction after the China Earthquake. And this was my chain of thought.

Thought 1: Wow. Rainbow.

Thought 2: Lame. Why report about a rainbow.

Thought 3: It wouldnt even make the news in normal situations.

Thought 4: Hmm. I guess only in such depressing circumstances can they see hope in a rainbow.

Thought 5: Must we only appreciate the things around us only when we are put in a difficult and depressing situation?

Thought 6: Why cant we just appreciate simple things in life? Things that have always been around us.

Its not much I know. But its just that Im not normally able to track my chain of thoughts. This being a rare occasion, I thought I should keep it down somewhere. Haha.

Anyway, some soccer news. Avram Grant has taken a swipe at Premier League referee Steve Bennett. Claiming that his poor performance at United's final game against Wigan had cost Chelsea their title. Apparently, this is his pathetic attempt at playing mind games. I mean, come on man, its been like what? 6 Days after the game. Isnt it abit too late? -_-" Grant really has some work to do on his mind-games skills to be able to pose any realistic challenge to Ferguson's.

Elsewhere, it appears Lehmann has taken his last bite at the Premiership. Claiming that english goalkeepers "do not go to school long enough", which explains their "poor concentration during matches". Coming from a goalkeeper who's no longer wanted at Arsenal, and all the more the Premiership, I can only say it really is pathetic. For as long as I can remember, Lehmann has always been the one making the blunders and looking like an idiot.

Alone in darkness at
7:38 PM

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pardon me, but im feeling super random.

Rockstar Rule #1: Make undoubtedly sure that your audience is willing to catch you before you attempt a stage dive.

Alone in darkness at
10:24 PM

Got this from Gorden's. Its some cool shit man. For those of you who havent heard it before, here it is.

Alone in darkness at
10:11 PM

13 years. 13 years into the education system.

Thats how long it took for people to notice my special blood lineage.

Alone in darkness at
8:15 PM

Monday, May 12, 2008

An entire season's rollercoaster ride of emotions experienced in a mere 2-hour match duration.

Hope, Content, Disappointment, Horror, Joy, Doubt, Agony, Elation, and finally, PRIDE.

Manchester United are the Premier League Champions 2007-2008.

Alone in darkness at
12:21 AM

Friday, May 09, 2008

Well. Today was an eventful day, to say the least.

It all started when I met Vicky at the bus stop on my way to school this morning. The first thing she said to me was "You know just now I talked back to my mum and she said 'Fuck you' to me?" Haha. What a way to start a day.

Then came the maths test. Well. All I can say is Im hoping to pass. I really did study for it, and I hope I did enough to deserve to pass.

Maths was followed by Physics. Which was uh-hum, *coughs* interesting~ *coughs*. During which we also got back our Mock SPA Skill Bs. Glad to say I got a Level 8. Haha. But oh well, complacency is not something I can afford at the moment. Im going to do well for the SPA Skill B Examination, and Im going to make sure of it. So far everything thats actually going to matter for As, I've done well. And I intend to let this continue.

Lunched after Physics with a few 2608ers. Glad that the class is finally coming together. Well not to say that we werent close before, but we never seemed to be able to go for lunch together. Its always been me, Gorden and Yu Xian. We always start walking out of school together, but end up losing people along the way. Quite amusing really if you think of it. Haha.

Anyway, double period of Computing followed after lunch. Proud to say that I chionged all the way! Eh. From Workshop 7 Question 1 to Question 5 okay. Within 2 periods. Its something I havent done before. Haha. But still, comparatively to some IMBA people in the class who's at Workshop 12, Im quite slow. Hmm. But oh well, Im setting my own pace, and I know what Im doing. Im not going to stress myself up over some IMBA programmers.

After Computing was this movie screening of Schindler's List, which Mr Jeremy Ng organised. Supposedly he invited the whole level, but GOODNESS, it ended up being only me and Yu Xian! It was WEIRD. Imagine 2 people in an empty classroom, drinking and eating tidbits, and watching a black and white movie. Not forgetting of course Mr Ng. Who probably very torturously tried to pretend to be interested in a movie he'd most likely have watched countless times before, just so he wouldnt stare at the 2 of us for the entire duration of the movie. But sadly, we were forced to abandon the screening because the attendant had to lock up.

OH YA, talking about the attendant. I think he's super guai lan can. Firstly, he has this super out of place goatie. Maybe he wants to look FIERCE. Haha. I dont know. Hmm. Then there's his weird antics in informing people his desire to lock up the classroom their in. Our 1st encounter with him was on Monday during Maths which was until 5.30pm. Halfway during the lesson, he kept walking up and down outside the classroom window. MY GOD. Do you know how distracting it is? Then he did it again just now. He kept shaking his gigantic bunch of keys outside the classroom nonstop. Like some kind of secret evacuation code. -_-" I wonder whats wrong with him. Hmm.

Anyway, enough about the super guai lan attendant. Mr Jeremy Ng's leaving TJ to go back to NIE already. Haha. Wish him all the best for his training of 1 month there about, after which he would be coming back as an Econs teacher. Lol. Sian lahh. GP is going to be hell without him. He;s much much nicer, as compared to UH-HUM *coughs* a certain someone *coughs*.

Wahh. Dont know why I UH-HUMed so much today. Probably got some of the sorethroat from Gorden, who happened to have missed school for 2 days by the way. Haha. Wonder if he's really sick, or just trying to skip double GP yesterday, and then the Maths test today. Lol.

On a side note, Carvalho says "Cristiano is their big star but he is human too and could fail under all the expectation. " What a pathetic attempt at mind-games. Ass.

Alone in darkness at
7:47 PM

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Got this in the mailbox today, from Elaine. Thought it would be something nice to share. Haha.


Take some time to look at these (below) wonders of Mathematics.
Look at the beauty, symmetry and revelation of Maths.
Beauty of Maths!

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

Brilliant, isn't it?

And look at this symmetry:

1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=123456789 87654321

Now, take a look at this...


From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:

What Equals 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?

Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?

We have all been in situations where someone wants you to GIVE OVER 100%.

What equals 100% in life?

Here's a little mathematical formula that might help answer these



Is represented as:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.


H-A-R-D-W-O- R- K is equal to

8+1+18+4+23 + 15+18+11 = 98%


K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E is equal to

11+14+15+23+ 12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96%


A-T-T-I-T-U- D-E is equal to

1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100%


Anyway, why is it that there are more and more people saying that Im gay?

Perhaps I cant just be myself afterall. Dang. Then I'll have to stick to that old boring image everyone has of me.

Oh well. Something has to give.

Alone in darkness at
4:59 PM

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Guai Kia, Guai Kia, Guai Kia. Time and time again, this noun surfaces in my mind. Its something Im striving to be. But TODAY, is an interesting day that has just proven my theory. The theory that being a guai kia will only get you jacked. Cause that exactly what happened to me. Both literally, and otherwise.

It all started, when I decided to be a guai kia and made the decision to actually go for contact time. Reached LT4 only to find out that the place was full. So Gorden, Jun Yi and I thought of the brilliant idea of entering the LT by the bottom door, albeit knowing that we would be stared at by the entire LT. So there we were, happy happy, entered the LT with the entire bunch of people staring at us while we sat down near the door, WHERE THERE WERE ALOT OF ANTS. Especially at exactly where I was sitting. Had to endure all the ants doing recon missions on my stupid Temasek green trousers. But this one nvm, ants only. I tahan.

Against all advice by our dear Ms Yux, I decided to go for training. Cause why? Im trying to be a guai kia. The chain of events that unfolded after that on the pitch was what brought my attention to the phenomenon.

Just as I reached the stands after changing, putting my contacts and all, our teacher-in-charge Mr Francis Lee suddenly experienced severe mood swings and PMS. He screamed for all of us to gather on the field regardless of whether we had our boots on already or not. This was followed shortly after by a scolding session for being late and taking our time, while everyone was in pushup position. And then by the inevitable pumping and situp session of I dont even know how many 'downs' & 'ups'.

Then came the actual training. Our coach Suhari made me stand in goal while the others continuously fired shots at me. It was fucking tiring I tell you. Imgaine running like 10m up and down the field non-stop, while trying to save shots in the process. And then of course there is the getting scolded when you let one in. It was during this hardcore drill that my old fracture started to hurt, near the right ankle. Hobbling up and down 10m continuously definitely didnt help either. But nvm, Im a guai kia. So I persisted.

Then, came the climax of today's show. Tu Jin was like 1m right in front of me. AND he whacked the ball straight at me! Wah lau! Then I kena jack by the ball know. At full force some more! *#&$(@#*&$#@ Damn pain lahh I tell you!

Wahh. I felt like dying for that 1 minute lahh. But then there was no other keeper around, Eric was at the other goal doing corners, so I continued with the fucking drill. And then after that for the entire of the training session, I was hobbling around and squirming on the pitch.

When the training finally ended, I thought my misery was finally over. But NO. Cause Suhari ALSO experienced severe mood swing and PMS! )!(**(*&#!*$^&!%#$ He suddenly screamed for everyone to be on the pitch while we were changing out of our boots. And proceeded to scold us for not helping to wash the bips and keep the balls, AGAIN while in pushup position. KNN. I think you can guess what came next. The push up and situps again! Wah lau.

KNS lahh. Why today so suay. Everybody mood swing at the same time. Really damn suay know. Want to be guai kia also so difficult. Kena jack here jack there. >.<

P.S. Luo Wei! I know how it feels like to have almost died, having been almost hit by a soccer ball zooming inches past your head. Kicked by you Gay Boy Kaisven some more. Haha. Be glad you're still alive. (:

Alone in darkness at
8:26 PM

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Thinking of skipping school tomorrow? I have just the excuse for you!


Today = The Tomorrow Of Yesterday.

Today = The Yesterday Of Tomorrow.


Today = Today
The Tomorrow Of Yesterday = The Yesterday Of Tomorrow


Tomorrow = Yesterday
Yesterday = Tomorrow

Thus, if

Yesterday = No Need To Attend School
Tomorrow = No Need To Attend School


Saturday = No Need To Attend School


Monday, Wednesday and Friday = No Need To Attend School

Also since,

Sunday = No Need To Attend School

Also therefore,

Tuesday and Thursday = No Need To Attend School

In conlcusion,

There is no need to attend school tomorrow.


If only. Hmm.

Alone in darkness at
8:47 PM

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Still cant believe I chose to say "Oh shit." instead of breathing. But woohooo! I can do the blade roll! (:

My goodness. Please dont slap me when you see me. I'll just die right there in front of you, but not before slapping you back first.

Alone in darkness at
8:14 PM

Friday, May 02, 2008

"Suppose you're on a game show and you're given the choice of three doors. Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. The car and the goats were placed randomly behind the doors before the show. The rules of the game show are as follows: After you have chosen a door, the door remains closed for the time being. The game show host, Monty Hall, who knows what is behind the doors, now has to open one of the two remaining doors, and the door he opens must have a goat behind it. If both remaining doors have goats behind them, he chooses one randomly. After Monty Hall opens a door with a goat, he will ask you to decide whether you want to stay with your first choice or to switch to the last remaining door. Imagine that you chose Door 1 and the host opens Door 3, which has a goat. He then asks you "Do you want to switch to Door Number 2?" Is it to your advantage to change your choice?"

The Monty Hall Paradox. Hmm. Interesting.

Alone in darkness at
9:53 PM



Name: Austin Tay Zijing
Birthday: 11th April 1990, Aries
Tao Nan School,
Victoria School,
Temasek Junior College
E-mail: tay.zijing@gmail.com
MSN Messenger: tay.zijing@gmail.com
Friendster Profile: Here
Bingbox Profile: Here
Location: Singapore, Bedok
Favourite Sport: Soccer
Favourite Club: Manchester United
Favourite Euro 2008 Team: Portugal



Chia How
Ee Lynn
En Yi
Eric Yulianto
Guang Heng
Han Teng
Hui Qi
John Cheo
Jonathan Ong
Jonathan Samraj
Jun Yi
Kah Hui
Marcus Auyong
Marcus Chen
Ming Hao
Nicholas Hui
Pei Yun
Qi Xuan
See Kiat
Shi Ling
Si Yao
Timothy Ong
Wei Quan
Wen Shu
Wing Yi
Yang Ting
Ye Hao
Yi Heng
Ying Qi
Ying Ying
Yu Sheng
Yu Xian
Ze Long

Calvin in Cambridge
Mr Siow

Interesting Reads

Hamit Sport
Mr Brown
Pink Is The New Blog
We Wank
Xia Xue

11th Hour
Operation Promotion

Football's Lair

A Kick In The Grass
Chelsea Blog
Dirty Tackle
MU Daily
Red 11
Red Issue
Red News
Red Rants
Republik of Mancunia
Stretford End
The Guardian, Daniel Taylor
The Guardian, Rob Smyth
The Spoiler
United Rant
United Youths


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Happy Days

Time = Money. Earning alot?