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Friday, September 29, 2006

Went to play soccer today, needed something to keep my mind off certain things.

It was great to have been able to dribble from one side of the court to the other knowing that no one could take the ball away from you. And to top it all, finishing it off with a nice little "OLE!" past the keeper through in bewteen his legs. It felt great.

Maybe, just maybe. If I keep my belief and go all the way, I could end it all nicely again.

Alone in darkness at
11:27 PM

I used to have that belief in myself. When everyone doubted me, I would keep telling myself "Be strong. You can get through this." And I never let myself drop a single tear.

But now, I just cant seem to find that belief anymore. I've lost that pillar of strength I survived on.

Why is it that Im ok in front of everyone, yet cry whenever Im alone?

I desperately need someone to talk to. Yet theres no one who could possibly be there for me. Not my family, nor my parents.

For the longest time, I feel alone.

The thought of suicide is scary, yet real.

Ironically, the page on which I had scribbled these feelings had this quote.

"Believe in yourself, be strong, never give up no matter what the circumstances are. You are a champion and will overcome the dreaded obstacles."

Alone in darkness at
2:15 PM

Monday, September 18, 2006

When people say, "I’m so tired it's not even funny" or "my head hurts so much it's not even funny", why would it even be funny in the first place?

Do stairs go up or down?

Why is there a top line on lined paper if we never use it?

Do coffins have lifetime guarantees?

Why do the numbers on phones go down while the numbers on calculators go up?

If the sky is the limit, then what is space, over the limit?

Are children who act in rated 'R' movies allowed to see them?

Can you make a candle out of your earwax?

Aren't the 'good things that come to those who wait' just the leftovers from the people that got there first?

If the swat team breaks down your door do they have to replace it later?

Can you breathe out of your nose and mouth at the same time?

Are marbles made of marble?

Why does the last piece of ice always stick to the bottom of the cup?

If you pay for a vacation and your plane crashes on the way there, do you get you money back? (Granted you lived)

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet soup?

Can you get cornered in a round room?

Why do we wash behind our ears? Who really looks there?

Why don't the hairs on your arms get split ends?

If an atheist has to go to court, do they make him swear on the Bible?

Why is it illegal to park in a handicapped parking space but its ok to use a handicapped toilet?

In that song, she'll be coming around the mountain, who is she?

How come we say 'It's colder than hell outside' when isn't it realistically always colder than hell since hell is supposed to be fire and brimstone?

Why is it that if something says, "do not eat" on the packaging it becomes extra tempting to eat?

Why are people so scared of mice, yet we all love Mickey Mouse?

Wouldn't it be smart to make the sticky stuff on envelopes taste like chocolate?

Why are the commercials for cable companies on cable but not on regular television? Don't they want the people without cable to buy the cable?

"Have you ever noticed that if you rearranged the letters in mother in law, they come out to Woman Hitler?"

Isn't it funny how the word 'politics' is made up of the words 'poli' meaning 'many' in Latin, and 'tics' as in 'bloodsucking creatures’?

Why is it that when things get wet they get darker, even though water is clear??

Why is it that when you get out of a swimming pool, your urine is hotter when you use the restroom?

Can mute people burp?

What happens if you put this side up face down while popping microwave popcorn?

Why is chopsticks one of the easiest songs to play on the piano, but the hardest thing to eat with?

How come you play at a recital, but recite at a play?

If a fork were made of gold would it still be considered silverware?

If heat rises, then shouldn't hell be cold?

Why is there that little space inside strawberries, as if it was meant for a pit, and then the seeds are on the outside?

Why isn't chocolate considered a vegetable, if chocolate comes from cocoa
beans, and all beans are a vegetable?

Do they have girl’s bathrooms in gay bars?

Why is toilet bowl cleaning liquid only blue?

Why is it when we talk to God we are praying, but when God talks to us we are put into the loony bin?

Why do you go “back and forth” to town if you really must go forth before you go back?

Why does shaped macaroni taste better than the normal kind?

Why is vanilla ice cream white when vanilla extract is brown?

Why can't you get a tan on your palms?

If your sick for one week and on one of those days they had to cancel school because of snow, do you have to make up that day in June?

Why do dogs sniff other dog’s bottoms to say hello, why don’t they just bark in their face or something?

Why do companies offer you "free gifts?" Since when has a gift NOT been

If something "goes without saying," why do people still say it?

You know the expression, "Don't quit your day job?" Well what do you say to
people that work nights?

Why do you get in trouble for blocking an exit when you're standing in the doorway? In case of an emergency, wouldn't you run out, too, therefore NOT blocking the exit?

Why is it when some products you have to turn it upside down to read the directions, and the directions say do not turn upside down?

Why is a square meal served on round plates?

Why is the 0 on a phone after 1 and not before 1?

Which way does a compass point in space?

Why are people allowed to put naked statues outside but why can't we run outside naked?

Why do all superheroes wear spandex?

If mars had earthquakes would they be called marsquakes?

Why did Mary own a little lamb?

Alone in darkness at
6:26 PM

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Miraculously, I've been falling asleep studying these few days.

Not as in, falling asleep because I study.

But as in, studying until im too tired, and fall asleep.

On a separate note. I too, have 'given up' on Prelims. After screwing up my Social Studies and 'tio stun' by the Physics papers today, there really isnt any reason to be optimistic anymore.

I wonder what I can do for my 1st 3 months. Sighs.

Alone in darkness at
9:45 PM

Monday, September 11, 2006

Oh mann.

Life really sucks when you screw up your Social Studies.


Alone in darkness at
7:00 PM

I dont know why, but Ive been thinking these few days.

Imagine a poor guy, as in literally because his parents have no money. His parents are pinning all their hopes on him to get maybe some kind of scholarship or something so that he can relief them of some financial burden and also get a good education.

But that guy comes to realise that he just couldnt make it in his studies. And its not that he doesnt want to, he just cant, try as hard as he may. He feels extremely guilty, even though its not his fault, he's tried his best.

So, what exactly could be this poor guys dream? Something he hoped would be the case, but wouldnt really.

Maybe, deep down inside, he just wished that his parents werent so poor afterall.

Perhaps, they were hiding their money somewhere, pretending to have none just so that he would study harder. He has hopes that they would be able to send him off to study somewhere if he doesnt do well in school.

That could be it. I dont know. Whatever it is, this poor guy has a sad life huh? He cant imagine a day when he's told that he cant make it in life. What would he do then? He wouldnt be able to face his parents. Kill himself? Maybe.

This post is rather abstract and I dont know why i made it. Its just something that has been on my mind for awhile, and im hoping to leave it somewhere.

Alone in darkness at
10:51 AM

Monday, September 04, 2006

Steve Irwin died. The all popular, one and only Crocodile Hunter.

Heard he got killed by a bloody stingray or something. After like defeating thousand of crocodiles and what not. -_-"

Oh well. I guess its just part of his job. At least he died doing something he loved righ? Just how many people can do that?

He will always be remembered as 'Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter'! RAH!

Alone in darkness at
9:18 PM

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Going to school to mug for the whole of next week.

Everyday from 8.30 - 5.30!



Maybe should study in school at night also.

Alone in darkness at
10:17 PM

Friday, September 01, 2006

Kena sabo-ed by Calvin. Just because I blog. -_-" Another down-side to blogging.

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesnt make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Tag 5 ppl at their tagboard to ask them to do this!
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.

NOTE: Windows Media Player! Haha. I have very little songs lehh. Always have to delete cause not enough space.


How are you feeling today?
Deja Vu - Beyonce
Haha.SO TRUE! First mock exams and then prelims but all of a sudden I have like slightly less than 2 weeks to study! Im feeling out of sorts.

Will you get far in life?
Time To Say Goodbye - Josh Groban
Huh? Does anyone know if this is accurate? So Im going to die before I can achieve anything in life?

How do your friends see you?
London Bridge - Fergie
Hmm. Probably that I look just like london bridge. Big size and intimidating(or so people say) but I actually break down very easily also lahh, just like the London Bridge. Hahas.

Will you get married?
Zhi Yin Wei Ni - Zhang Dong Liang (Only Because of You)
Probably (Yes yes, I lied to Alicia and Vicklyna). But only to that special someone of course. This thing is spooky. How come the songs that come out are SO related one?

What is your best friend's theme song?
L.O.V.E - Ashlee Simpson
Got no best friend lahh. Everyones my good friend. Haha. This one probably belongs to someone whos in love and FEELING HIP!

What is the story of your life?
One Thing - Finger Eleven
I have no idea how to tackle this one. But my lifes probably about one person, not one thing. Haha.

What was primary school like?
Gallery - Mario Vazquez
Huh? Walking the corridors as if their galleries? Every single person inside the classrooms I know are like priceless paintings. Haha. Tao Nan was a great part of my life. How I hoped that I had kept in contact with more people. Sighs.

How can you get ahead in life?
Zai Jian Wo De Ai - Yin Tao Bang (Goodbye My Love)
Probably that. Haha. Leave unhappy memories behing and move ahead. Simple to say, but difficult to do.

What is the best thing about your friends?
World Cup Samba - Brazil
That my friends do the World Cup Samba? Wooohooo!

What is in store for this weekend?
127 Tian - An Qi Xuan, Wu Jian Hao (127 Days)
Im probably gona make use of it as if it were 127 days and buck-up on my Amaths!

What song describes you?
Stars Are Blind - Paris Hilton
This question is like stupid? They dont allow us to choose the song but asks us which song describes us. -_-" But I do know that Im not a star, and definitely not blind! Oh, and I dont really like Paris Hilton.

To describe your grandparents?
Cai Hong De Wei Xiao - Wang Xin Ling (The smile of the rainbow)
Hmm. This song most probably only describes my paternal grandparents. My grandfather's passed away. And my grandmother has a smile that puts up a rainbow! Eh wait that sounds wrong. My grandfather passing away and my grandmother smiling are two different issues okay!?

How is your life going?
Crazy - Simple Plan
Thats right. Everythings just crazy at the moment. Right now, Im just looking forward to get past the Os.

What song will they play at your funeral?
Superwoman - Cao Ge
I want my future superwoman to sing for me! Thou I hope shes not some getai singer. Hahas. But actually they play this song also can lahh. Cant hear anyway, right?

How does the world see you?
The 5,6,7,8's - The Barracuda
LOL. Proabably just like the song. Funny. Always laughing at the smallest lamest things. But thats only a recent change. I wasnt like that last time.

Will you have a happy life?
Mortal Kombat Techno - Jock Jams
Im not sure if I'll naturally lead a happy life but Im gona listen to this song on my mp3 and fight for it! Wooo!

What do your friends really think of you?
Steady As She Goes - The Raconteurs
Probably a steady person. Haha. Or at least I look steady, cause got low CG! Hehs.

Do people secretly lust after you?
Start of Something New - Zac Effron & Vanessa Anne Hudgens
Im not sure how this song has anything to do with the question. No link. But probably not, and never will if I continue looking like how I am now.

How can I make myself happy?
Disco Hits 80s,90s,Club Mega Mix - House Techno Dance
Listen to techno! And grrooooove to the beat! Yea! Haha. Oh, and forget about everything else.

What should you do with your life?
I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! At the Disco
Haha. Try not to sin and try not to be invloved in tragedies! Lmao! And don't panic at the disco!

Will you ever have children?
Valerie - The Zutons
Yes! With Valerie! Haha. Whoever that is. Or maybe I shall name my daughter Valerie! Valerie Tay. Hmm..


Hahaha. My turn to sabo 5 other people. Hmm. Like mostly girls lehh. Cause guys are not very active bloggers. Haha.

1. Ada - You're at the top of my links. So you have THE privilege. lol.

2. Alicia - I need to have a lame person do this thing. You're the next best lamer. Haha.

3. Pei Yun - I shall be the one to make you post your only blog post of the year!

4. Ruixin - If there are people more bo liao than me, its you! Blog so much. Since you always tag me, I shall give you something to post about.

5. Wing Yi - You made your own blogskin lehh, some more update so often. How can I not feature inside it. Right?

6. Vickalyna - Haha. I know this is 1 more than 5 but I really want to know how my maid thinks. =P

Alone in darkness at
12:21 PM



Name: Austin Tay Zijing
Birthday: 11th April 1990, Aries
Tao Nan School,
Victoria School,
Temasek Junior College
E-mail: tay.zijing@gmail.com
MSN Messenger: tay.zijing@gmail.com
Friendster Profile: Here
Bingbox Profile: Here
Location: Singapore, Bedok
Favourite Sport: Soccer
Favourite Club: Manchester United
Favourite Euro 2008 Team: Portugal



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En Yi
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Jonathan Samraj
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Marcus Chen
Ming Hao
Nicholas Hui
Pei Yun
Qi Xuan
See Kiat
Shi Ling
Si Yao
Timothy Ong
Wei Quan
Wen Shu
Wing Yi
Yang Ting
Ye Hao
Yi Heng
Ying Qi
Ying Ying
Yu Sheng
Yu Xian
Ze Long

Calvin in Cambridge
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Interesting Reads

Hamit Sport
Mr Brown
Pink Is The New Blog
We Wank
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11th Hour
Operation Promotion

Football's Lair

A Kick In The Grass
Chelsea Blog
Dirty Tackle
MU Daily
Red 11
Red Issue
Red News
Red Rants
Republik of Mancunia
Stretford End
The Guardian, Daniel Taylor
The Guardian, Rob Smyth
The Spoiler
United Rant
United Youths


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Happy Days

Time = Money. Earning alot?